Instructions for Authors
Authors may submit to the journal per e-mail: ralf.oelmueller(at)
Manuscript submission
All manuscript formats should be submitted as a Word file together with a letter addressed to the editor. We prefer standard typeface such as Arial or Helvetica for text, and Symbol typeface for Greek letters. Figures (we prefer jpeg or PowerPoint), Supplementary Material, related manuscripts and other documents should be sent as separate files. Complete scientific names must be given when organisms are first mentioned.
The editorial office will distribute the manuscripts to the handling editor.
Editorial Authority
The authors are responsible for the contents and the manner of publication. All contributions are subject to peer review. Formal alterations are in the liability of the editorial board. Articles are only accepted with the understanding that they are not submitted elsewhere. Upon acceptance the copyright of the article is transferred to the Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek. Permission to use previously published material must be obtained by the author from the original copyright owner.
Presentation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts will be published in English. There is no limitation of the article length (except for those given above). Gene names and loci should be italic, proteins should be upright. Species names should also be italic.
The title page should include:
- title of the paper
- full names of all authors
- the full address(es) of the institution(s)
- all information of the corresponding author
- a running title
- key words (maximum six)
- all accession numbers for the sequence data and Arabidopsis seed stocks.
The manuscript should be organized into the following sections in the given order:
- Abstract
- Introduction,
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Discussion,
- Acknowledgements
- References
- Tables with legends
- Figure legends
- Figures: jpeg-file, 300 dpi.
References should be cited in the text by author and date. Examples are:
(Peters 2000), (Peters and Armin 2000a), (Peters et al. 2000, 2001a, b), (Peters 2000; Peters et al. 2000b).
References should be listed alphabetically according to the first named author. The titles, chapters and books, the abbreviated names of journals, the volumes and the first and last page numbers should be given:
Peters A, Fritsch B, Armin C. (2000a) How to cite articles in Endocytobiosis and Cell Research? Endocytobiosis and Cell Res. 1:1-999.
Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T. (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 2nd Ed., Cold Spring Harbor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (in press)
Peters A, Armin C. (2004) How to cite chapters from book? In: Peters A, Armin C. (eds) Endocytobiology Today – Novel Approaches. Jena, ThuLB Publishers, pp. 513-541.
Figures and Tables
Figures and Tables must be placed at the end of the text in connection to their legend, or separately but as part of the single PDF. No vertical rules should be used in the tables. The final presentation should fit into one (8 cm width) or two columns (16.5 cm). The arrangements of the blocks can only by changed by the authors in the proofs. Colour artwork is preferred.
Nucleotide and Protein sequences
New nucleotide or protein sequences to be published in Endocytobiosis and Cell Research must be submitted and deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases or any other internationally accessible database. The accession numbers must be given in the manuscript.
Cover Photograph
We welcome photographs for the cover of Endocytobiosis and Cell Research. They should be sent to the Editorial Office (either as glossy print or electronically). The photograph should be accompanied by a description, which is suitable for publication in the issue. A relationship to a submitted paper is not required.
Page Proofs
Page proofs will be sent to the author via email.
Before publication, the authors must sign the Copyright Assignment Form and send it to the Editorial Office. The corresponding author can sign on behalf of the co-authors, if they agree.
Handling Fee
The handling fee is 100,- Euro (+ tax) and must be transferred to the journal account prior to publication.
Editorial Office:
Prof. Dr. Ralf Oelmüller
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Institute of General Botany and Plant Physiology
Dornburger Str. 159, 07743 Jena Germany
e-mail: ralf.oelmueller(at)